Curl Curl Lake and Ocean Walk

Curl Curl Lake and Ocean Walk

A walk added by Sony Walkman it's near Freshwater, New South Wales, Australia.

Distance: 7.86 km ( 4.89 miles)  Duration: 1h 38m 9s  Ave Speed: 4.81 kph ( 2.99 mph)
Min Elevation: 1 m ( 5 ft)  Max Elevation: 27 m ( 90 ft)  Recorded: 30 Dec 2012

Particularly good if you are a netball fan. This walk takes you along the creek to the Ocean at Curl Curl Beach and gives you a chance to get some sand between your toes. All the way to Queenscliff cliff and then back via the shore line.

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Curl Curl Lake and Ocean Walk Elevation Profile

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