Leichhardt to Pyrmont and back via the Fish Market

Leichhardt to Pyrmont and back via the Fish Market

A walk added by Sony Walkman it's near Leichhardt, New South Wales, Australia.

Distance: 12.16 km ( 7.55 miles)  Duration: 3h 25m 35s  Ave Speed: 3.55 kph ( 2.20 mph)
Min Elevation: -7 m ( -23 ft)  Max Elevation: 44 m ( 147 ft)  Recorded: 29 Sep 2013

This is a great walk you get to circumnavigate Blackwattle Bay, Roselle Bay and traverse the mighty Anzac Bridge. Plenty of suburbia to enjoy along with with the water views.
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Leichhardt to Pyrmont and back via the Fish Market Elevation Profile

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