Trewhiddle Quarry Walk

Trewhiddle Quarry Walk

A walk added by Sony Walkman it's about 1km from Saint Austell, Cornwall, England.

Distance: 5.84 km ( 3.63 miles)  Duration: 1h 10m 39s  Ave Speed: 4.96 kph ( 3.08 mph)
Min Elevation: -3 m ( -10 ft)  Max Elevation: 97 m ( 318 ft)  Recorded: 18 Mar 2013

Okay I never actually found Trewhiddle Quarry, but there was a sign post pointing the way. And the track was flooded at one end, so I could not get any further. So please post a photo of the Quarry if you ever find it.
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Trewhiddle Quarry Walk Elevation Profile

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